This date always has special meanings for me. My brother Alan Gottlieb was born on April 28, 1920. He died before his 23rd birthday, during World War II. Our granddaughter Molly Ferguson was born on April 28, 1986. Happy birthday Molly! You are something very special. You represent youth with its huge potential for a happy and meaningful life. You were born shortly after my life-saving heart surgery, and here I am still enjoying the joyous knowledge that you exist.
This has also become a day when I seethe against the practice of old folks sending young people to be killed or maimed in a most unnecessary war. Yes, I mean Iraq. I strongly agree with Joe Murtha and even John Kerry. Get our troops out of Iraq before this year ends.
Yes, we must do our utmost to end terrorism. But our Iraq venture has been a diversion from that purpose, even a breeding ground for recruitment to the cause of world-wide terrorism.
Like the man in that New Yorker cartoon, I don't want to live to be 135 years old (another 47 years?). But by the year 2053 I'm confident that historians will have agreed that the G. W. Bush administration has been the worst disaster ever foisted on the citizens of the United States of America and of the rest of the world. I am an optimist by nature, so I do believe that historians will still be able to write in the year 2053.
My son Alan Gottlieb becomes 50 years old the day after tomorrow. He is a dear man, most worthy of carrying that name. Happy birthday Ally! Give it a riffle!
Ancient Mariner
with a good Jewish name like Gottlieb I am surprised you feel that the deposition of the Hitler like despot in Iraq was unnecessary
Saddam HUSAIN was every bit as bad as Adolph Hitler to races he considered inferior
He also killed their animals and pets
He had to go
Posted by: Bill Carney | August 01, 2006 at 09:09 AM